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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Aussie fans responsible for firealarm prank on English team

The Australian cricket team fans nicknamed 'The Fanatics' have claimed responsibility for a firealarm on Friday morning that left the English cricket players out in their PJ's.

The alarm at the Radisson Hotel went off at 4.30am on Friday leading to the evacuation of the cricket team and the other guests. Two fire engines searched the premises for the source of the alarm and the English team were left outside for upto 20 minutes.

"Yes it was one of our guys who did it as a bit of a prank," Mr Livingston, head of the Fanaticssaid yesterday. "I got a text message after it happened, its good old fashioned Aussie high jinks."

The prank seemed to have good effect as the English were all out for 102 on the first day.

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